Thursday, September 22, 2011


The Write Place

I got to work with trained writers. They helped me edit, and provided information about writing strategies. They helped me develope and organizing my ideas for this assignment and they really focused on all of the basic needs for my power point before the 30 minutes were up. It was very helpful.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Transition Cues

I have chosen Transitions: Cues for Your Reader on LEO
I never write transitions in any of my papers.
I've learned that transitions help readers connect the ideas in a piece of writing.
I'm going to reaserch this topic and inprove on the organization of my papers

Friday, September 2, 2011

Final Criteria

Five Final Criteria
Group 2

Criterion 1 - Creative use of the12 objects
Criterion 2 - Intrest
Criterion 4 - Structure
Criterion 3 - Flow
Criterion 5 - Grammar

Five Final Criteria
The Class

Criterion 1 - Creative use of 12 items  (5 points)
Criterion 2 - Intrest (4 points)
Criterion 3- Organization (3 points)
Criterion 4 - Flow (2 points)
Criterion 5 - Grammar (1 point)