Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Interview #3

Interview #3

Amani Yassin

I have chosen not to transcribe this interview.


For my final interview I met with a few people that were in the SCSU choir and they helped me set up an interview with Amani. The location of the interview would be at the performing arts center in room 207. We set a date and time over Facebook and I sent her a list of the questions so she could look over them before hand. I chose to use my IPod again as my recording device because of how well it worked in the previous interviews.  When the day of the interview arrived I completely charged my I pod and printed off two pieces of paper with all of the questions on them, one for me and one for her. I went to the performing arts center 15 minutes early as I always do so I could find the room and set everything up. I waited outside of the room after that to make sure she could find me.

Personal Review

After the first two interviews this last one was pretty straightforward. The introductions went very well. Amani and I have a lot in common so it was easy to talk to her. Of all my interviewees Amani was the most outgoing, but when it came down to the interview I feel like she didn’t know much about her own country. I know I might be going way out of line to say such a thing but she didn’t know how to answer a few of the questions which is why I chose not to transcribe this interview. Overall the actual interview could have gone better, but as a whole I thought I was more prepared for this one and I felt more comfortable during our conversations.  I really enjoyed the quiet room that we had to ourselves because I get distracted very easily. The recording was much more successful during this interview because it wasn’t picking up random sounds.  

Country Report

After my first interview with ornella I was excited to get to know a little bit more about Burundi. "Burundi is located in Central Africa and it is about the size of Maryland. It is covered in hills and mountainous areas"(2).  "Burundi has the second-largest population density in Africa. The population is made up of three major ethnic groups--Hutu, Tutsi, and Twa. The Hutus are mainly agriculturalists. The Tutsis have always dominated the army and the government of Burundi. They also raise cattle. The Twa people are mainly dependent on hunting and gathering" (1). "The Capital of Burundi is Bujumbura. The two main Religions are Christian and Muslim. Freedom of religious practices in Burundi has been constitutionally established"(2). "In Burundi the official language is Kirundi but because of European colonialism French and English are commonly spoken. Republic is there main form of government" (2).  "Burundi's economy is based predominantly on agriculture so a majority of the country lives on farm or in rural areas. The main cash crop is coffee. Little industry exists except the processing of agricultural exports. Lake Tanganyika is the second largest lake in the world and it is located on the south east side on Burundi" (3).  "Traditional drumming is an important part of Burundian cultural heritage, these performance scan be seen in various ceremonies. The richness of Burundian culture is apparent in a strong literary and musical tradition and a wide range of fine crafts" (4).

Works cited

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