Thursday, December 1, 2011

Topic and outline for my final paper

I have chosen to research the three ethnic groups of Burundi for my final paper.

I Introduction
The Belgian and German colonists divided the people of Burundi into 3 different racial classifications: Hutu, Tutsi, and Twa.  The country's history of ethnic strife stems from tribal relationship that was created by colonists, rather than from any national characteristic that each ethnic group has. After   This caused an extreme disorder in terms of racial classification which has led to the genocide of 1994.
The people of Burundi and their history, lifestyles, government
II Body
A.      History
·         Before European colonialism
a.       Burundi shared a common culture
b.      The people of Burundi had an organized government structure before the colonists arrived
·         Colonialism and how it has affected each group
a.       The division of the ethnic groups
b.      How colonialism started conflicts between each group
c.       For what reasons did the Belgians create a rigid system of racial classification?
                                                                                       i.      Which group of people did the Belgians think were a superior group?
                                                                                     ii.       What made them a superior group?
B.      Lifestyles
·         What makes each ethnic group unique?
a.       Compare and contrast each historical development of each culture
b.      Compare and contrast the economic status quo of each
c.       What is the likely future for relations between these three groups?
C.      Government
·         Independence and Hutu rule
a.       Resentment toward colonial rule   
b.      Why did violence between the Tutsi and Hutu erupt?  
c.       Did the Hutu leadership end the system of racial classification?
III Conclusion
Because the Belgian and German colonists divided the people of Burundi into 3 different racial groups it has caused extreme disorder in terms of racial classification which has led to the genocide of 1994.
The people of Burundi and their history, lifestyles, government

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